Candidate for Assistant Treasurer
Originally from Charlotte, Carolyn lived in Wake County since 1990. Her company,
Leatherman Real Estate, is a commercial real property appraisal firm that also
specializes in brokerage and consulting with a strong presence in assisting municipal
clients and property owners with eminent domain situations and legal proceedings.
Prior to leaving the Mecklenburg County area, she worked in the commercial real estate
arena in human resources and purchasing. Arriving in Wake County, she managed a new
branch of a national home care service earning accolades from the company for the
rapid growth of a new branch in record time. Her and her husband have two sons and later chose to be a full-time mom. Carolyn was an active volunteer in her sons’
schools and sports organizations including PTA President and “Team Mom”. Upon
earning my General Appraiser Certification and Brokers License once they were
teenagers, she went back to full-time employment.
Committed to her community, Carolyn have served as President and Vice President of her neighborhood HOA’s and has volunteered with the Wake Republican Women,
Wake GOP and other local and state-wide Republican organizations.
Currently working part-time in commercial real estate, Carolyn is also active in local
Conservative politics presently serving as Asst. Treasurer for the Wake County
Republican Women’s Club. Since joining the Club in 2010 she has served in various
Executive Board positions including Vice President and Treasurer. Also a member of
Western Wake Republican Club and Associate Member of other area Republican
groups she is committed to continue to push conservatives forward and understand the hard work and dedication it will take.